【山田祥平のRe:config.sys】 電子メールを拒むのはなぜなのか
新城一 @ichicox 漫画描き / 講談社Palcy(毎週月曜日更新) pixivコミック(毎週水曜日更新) 水曜日のシリウス(毎週木曜日更新)で「ヴィクトリア・ウィナー・オーストウェン王妃は世界で一番偉そうである」コミカライズ連載中 / mail☆http://rossofabrica. com(☆→@)
The United States Postal Service: “Non oficialis motto!”
That’s right… the USPS has no official motto! But it does host an official website full of Postal Facts—Fun facts! Facts and Figures! Postal History! STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS! Sustainability, size and scope, diversity facts, and more!
As an added bonus,…
“sperm book”
Scientists mail freeze-dried mouse sperm on a postcard (Science Daily): Researchers in Japan have developed a way to freeze dry sperm on a plastic sheet in weighing paper so that samples can withstand being mailed via postcard. This method allows for m…