In an effort to expand beyond music, Spotify has been investing hundreds of millions to build out its podcasts business. Now the company has set its sights on another form of audio, with today’s acquisition of digital audiobook distributor Findaway. Spotify declined to share the financial terms of the deal, which is expected to close […]
Web 3.0 can repair the attention-driven digital economy
From imbalanced creator economics and poor security, to centralized control and disgruntled communities, Web 2.0’s flaws have been on full display these past few months.
Facebook on the spot in Kenya as exploitation of minors rife on its platform
Internet-based sexual exploitation of minors in Kenya was found to be more rampant on Facebook than on any other site, according to the newly released Disrupting Harm report — making the tech giant’s platform exceedingly unsafe for children. The report by Interpol, UNICEF’s Office of Research-Innocenti and End Violence against Children, found that Facebook accounted […]
After digital flops, can Rupert Murdoch’s UK empire fight back?
The effort to break free of its print roots has been a long and expensive struggle for News UKRupert Murdoch’s costly gamble that radio might fortify his UK empire received a boost last week when the first listening figures for Times Radio revealed tha…
The Unlikely Murderer review – an irresistible, Zodiac-lite Scandi thriller
This kitsch and sinfully entertaining drama takes the story of murdered Swedish politician Olof Palme and injects it with artistic license – and much toxic masculinityWho killed Olof Palme? The Swedish prime minister was shot dead in a Stockholm street…
Succession-style feud gripping Canada settled as court sides with Edward Rogers
The fight for Rogers Communications has riven one of Canada’s richest families – and began with an accidental butt dialFor weeks, Canadians have been gripped by a messy public feud splintering one of the country’s richest families. Kicked off by an acc…
What I learned building a fact-checking startup
Our thesis was clear: If technology could drive people to seek truth, facts, statistics and data to make their decisions, we could build an online discourse of reason and rationality.
「テレビ史上最高と言われる映像がこちら…」1977年に撮影されたロケット発射の瞬間 : らばQ
「テレビ史上最高と言われる映像がこちら…」1977年に撮影されたロケット発射の瞬間 1977年8月に打ち上げられたボイジャー2号。木星、土星、天王星、海王星などの接近に成功した無人宇宙探査機です。 このロケット発射を撮影したBBCの番組が、テレビ史上最高の映像であると称えられていました。 The Greatest Shot in Tel…
中国人気SF『三体』ドラマ化、ベネディクト・ウォン&エイザ・ゴンザレスら12名の出演者 ─ 「ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ」製作コンビの新シリーズ | THE RIVER
中国人気SF『三体』ドラマ化、ベネディクト・ウォン&エイザ・ゴンザレスら12名の出演者 ─ 「ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ」製作コンビの新シリーズ Photo by Gege Skidmore|Photo by Gege Skidmore…
How 2 companies leveraged organic and inorganic growth
Not all growth is created equal, and one is not mutually exclusive from the other.