With the right military equipment, a single person can target a plane from three miles away using a heat-seeking missile. While such a nightmare is a rare occurrence, FedEx has applied to the FAA seeking approval to install a laser-based, anti-missile …
route127 曰く、ひきこもりのオタクではない(航母不是宅男)中国人民解放軍海軍(PLAN)の空母遼寧(Liaoning)を監視中の海上自衛隊の護衛艦いずもはその状態のままクリスマスを迎えたようだ。
12/15 11AM頃 男女群島西350km
12/19 08AM頃 北大東島東300㎞
12/20 08AM頃 沖大東島南東315km
Why the Air Force Wants To Put Lidar On Robot Dogs
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Popular Science: Imagine being able to see the components of a potentially dangerous situation in live 3D and in fine detail without even having to survey the area,’ says Brian Goddin, from the Air Force Install…
US, Britain Help Ukraine Prepare for Potential Russian Cyberassault
David E. Sanger and Julian E. Barnes reporting via the New York Times: In the closing days of 2015, the lights went out across a swath of Ukraine as Russian hackers remotely took over an electric utility’s control center and flipped off one power stati…
Revisiting the ‘Tsar Bomba’ Nuclear Test
An anonymous reader quotes a report from Ars Technica: The detonation of the first nuclear bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 is seared into our collective memory, and the world has been haunted by the prospect of a devastating nuclear ap…
イギリス軍と紅茶の話 必須装備に専用茶葉…淹れ方ひとつで国際的騒動にも | 乗りものニュース
イギリス人にとって紅茶は、無くてはならないもののひとつですが、それは軍においても同様です。そのための装備をはじめ、軍専用の茶葉や、軍を巻き込んだ紅茶の淹れ方をめぐる国際的騒動など、イギリス軍と紅茶にまつわるお話です。 イギリス海軍の最新鋭空母で発生した緊急事態 2021年5月に母港であるイギリスのポーツ…
Pentagon announces new cloud initiative to replace ill-fated JEDI contract
The Pentagon announced a limited request for bids for a new cloud initiative today that replaces the cancelled $10 billion, decade-long JEDI contract initiative. You may recall (or not) that it previously ran a winner-take-all bid it had dubbed JEDI (short for Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure). The new initiative goes by the much less catchy […]
Queen carries out first audience at Windsor after spraining back
Monarch, 95, greets outgoing military chief in sitting room, after pulling out of Remembrance Sunday serviceThe Queen has carried out her first official engagement after missing the Remembrance Sunday service, meeting the outgoing head of the military …
旧日本海軍の大砲か 北海道積丹沖で引き揚げ 呉海軍工廠の刻印:朝日新聞デジタル
北海道・積丹沖で11日、操業中のカニカゴ漁船が海中から大砲のようなものを引き揚げた。江差海上保安署によると、付いていた銘板にはかつて広島県呉市にあり、戦艦大和を建造したことでも知られる呉海軍工廠(こうしょう)で明治39年(1906年)に製造されたとみられる刻印があるという。 海保によると、大砲を引き揚げた…
Metallurgist Admits Faking Steel-Test Results For US Navy Subs
schwit1 shares a report from the Miami Herald: A metallurgist in Washington state pleaded guilty to fraud Monday after she spent decades faking the results of strength tests on steel that was being used to make U.S. Navy submarines. Elaine Marie Thomas…