AI chip designer Moffett AI raises ‘tens of millions of dollars’ in Series A round

China’s call to foster semiconductor independence has sent investors chasing after chip startups of all sorts. Moffett AI, a Shenzhen-based chip design company, has received a fresh Series A injection. The company did not disclose the exact amount, only saying that the proceeds were in the “several tens of millions of dollars.” The round was […]

EU clears Microsoft-Nuance without conditions

The European Union’s competition regulator has given the all-clear to Microsoft’s $19.7 billion purchase of transcription tech firm Nuance, which was announced earlier this year. The EU said today it has concluded there are no competition concerns for the region if the acquisition goes ahead, clearing it without conditions. The deal was notified to the […]

Pentagon announces new cloud initiative to replace ill-fated JEDI contract

The Pentagon announced a limited request for bids for a new cloud initiative today that replaces the cancelled $10 billion, decade-long JEDI contract initiative. You may recall (or not) that it previously ran a winner-take-all bid it had dubbed JEDI (short for Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure). The new initiative goes by the much less catchy […]

Salesforce’s Kathy Baxter and Amazon’s Nashlie Sephus talk keeping AI ethical at enterprise scale

AI and big data are an important part of most enterprise-scale companies now, but that very scale can make it difficult to employ them safely and ethically. Kathy Baxter at Salesforce and Nashlie Sephus at AWS have made ethical AI and data collection their business over the last few years, both sounding the alarm on […]

オラクル、Oracle JDKを無料提供へ、本番環境でも利用可に

米Oracleは14日、Java 17の発表と同時に企業向けのディストリビューションであるOracleJDKのライセンスを更新、無料で利用できるようにしたと発表した。新しいライセンスは「OracleNo-FeeTerms andConditions」(NFTC)。商用および実稼働環境での使用も可能で、無償配布である限りは再配布もできる。同日から配布の始まったOracle JDK 17から、この無料のリリースとアップデートの提供を行うとしている。次の長期サポート(LTS)がリリースされてから1年が経過…