為捉精靈不捉賊 兩警員執勤時玩 Pokemon Go 被解僱

美國傳媒報導指兩名美國洛杉磯警察因執勤時玩 Pokemon Go 而沒有捉賊,因而遭解僱。在 2017 年一次執行公務期間,收到通知指附近有一家商店發生搶劫事件。不過二人並沒有立即前往調查,反而留在車內玩 Pokemon Go 捉精靈,當時附近出現罕見的精靈「卡比獸」。 兩人不滿被解僱,因此向法院提出上訴,辯稱當時沒有聽到無線通訊裝置的通知,並否認在工作時間玩遊戲。 由於車內的錄影顯示二人在對收到無線通訊裝置的通知後曾作出商議,決定不回應。雖然二人向法院表示,不應以車內影像紀錄作證據,而法院則駁回有…

Pokemon Go 支援 iPhone 13 Pro 120Hz ProMotion

Pokemon Go for iOS 近日推出1.191.0 更新版,最大的改變就是在進階選項中加入 Native Refresh Rate 功能,這功能可讓 iPhone 運行 Pokémon Go 時更加流暢。 在此之前,iPhone 只能使用 30fps,更新後用戶如果使用 iPhone 13 Pro 或 iPhone 13 Pro Max 更可使用ProMotion 120Hz。即使沒有 iPhone 13 Pro,用戶也可使用 60fps,但流暢度視乎裝置的處理器速度而定,有時舊機可能無法…

Niantic raises $300M at a $9B valuation to build the ‘real-world metaverse’

Niantic, the augmented reality platform that’s developing games like Pokémon GO, raised $300 million from Coatue, valuing the company at $9 billion. The San Fransisco-based startup, which initially spun out of Google, will use this money to build what it calls the “real-world metaverse.” As early as August, Niantic founder and CEO John Hanke has […]

Harry Potter RPG ‘Accidentally’ Added Popular Hentai Porn Expression

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a card-based RPG for mobile devices and PC that’s only available in Eastern countries for now, is really popular in China. However, the game is currently attracting attention not for its incredibly successful launch, but f…

Niantic reveals its vision for a ‘real-world metaverse,’ releases Lightship AR Developer Kit

AR technology company Niantic, best known for Pokémon GO, announced today that it will launch Lightship, an AR Developer Kit (ARDK) that will make building augmented reality experiences more accessible. This free, openly available technology will help Niantic lay the foundation for its vision of the “real-world metaverse.” In the program’s launch livestream, Niantic CEO […]

“Pikmin Bloom,” an AR mobile game, is Niantic’s next collaboration with Nintendo

Niantic announced yesterday that its next augmented reality mobile game will be Pikmin Bloom, a collaboration with Nintendo. The free game is available now for iOS and Android in Singapore and Australia, but will roll out globally in the coming days. Like Pokémon Go, Pikmin Bloom will encourage players to get outside and explore their […]