“Written by someone who doesn’t care much for plot”

Anjali Joseph (Literary Activism, 11/2021), “Madame Bovary and the Impossibility of Re-reading”: “In a way it’s not a novel about human characters at all: it’s a novel of objects and insects and sunlight and birds, of stains, or habit and repetition. A…

Resurgence Of Fascism Forces Warhammer To Remind Fans Imperium Are Villains

Some Warhammer 40,000 players think the game’s fascist Imperium of Man faction is awesome, and actually has a few good ideas. It does not. To clarify this point—which more than one Warhammer 40K fan appears to have missed—maker Games Workshop put out a…

Harry Potter RPG ‘Accidentally’ Added Popular Hentai Porn Expression

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, a card-based RPG for mobile devices and PC that’s only available in Eastern countries for now, is really popular in China. However, the game is currently attracting attention not for its incredibly successful launch, but f…

Nominees for the Goodreads Choice Awards 2021

The opening round nominees for the Goodreads Choice Awards have been announced. More than a dozen have previously appeared on Fanfare. Within each category, the nominees are sorted here to approximate very roughly how many Goodreads users have read the…