Disney+ 公佈 2022 亞洲新內容 《梅艷芳》足本導演版登場

Disney+ 宣佈一系列亞洲內容,包括《梅艷芳》(導演版)、《King of Savvy》、《台灣犯罪故事》(暫名),以及《人世間》。 《梅艷芳》足本導演版 迪士尼 2022 年將於亞太地區強勢推出一連串精彩華語節目,其中包括以五集劇集形式剪輯的《梅艷芳》(導演版)。這部由梁樂民執導、得獎製片人江志強監製,並由古天樂、王丹妮、劉俊謙等群星演出的製作,記錄了梅艷芳崛起成為超級巨星的經過。導演剪輯版本將會加入超過一小時從未曝光片段,這套終極足本版,將由2022 年 2 月 2 日起於 Disney+ …

Roblox CEO Outed For Using Completely Legal, Completely Ridiculous Tax Dodge

Game-making platform and fledgling metaverse Roblox made the news yesterday as the focus of a New York Times report about a ‘90s era tax cut that’s spun out of control. Originally created to foster investment in small businesses, the Qualified Small Bu…

Snapchat knows you want to see what you’d look like in the metaverse

Snapchat released an Avatar lens AR filter today, which makes you look like a Sims character. Or, in more modern parlance, it makes you look like what you’d look like in the metaverse. To use the lens, open your camera in the Snapchat app to scan the QR code on Snapchat’s website, then look at […]

Turing books $87M at a $1.1B valuation to help source, hire and manage engineers remotely

When it comes to engineering talent in the world of tech, demand continues to outpace supply, a predicament so acute that by 2030, that disparity will balloon to 85 million positions being unfilled, according to research from Korn Ferry. Today, a startup that believes it can stem that tide with a more inclusive, global approach […]