“Written by someone who doesn’t care much for plot”

Anjali Joseph (Literary Activism, 11/2021), “Madame Bovary and the Impossibility of Re-reading”: “In a way it’s not a novel about human characters at all: it’s a novel of objects and insects and sunlight and birds, of stains, or habit and repetition. A…

木越 治・丸井貴史『読まなければなにもはじまらない いまから古典を〈読む〉ために』(文学通信)

文学通信|多様な情報をつなげ、多くの「問い」を世に生み出す出版社 日本語・日本文学の研究書を中心に、人文学書全般を刊行する出版社、文学通信のブログ。 文学だけにこだわらず周辺領域も含め、意欲的に刊行していきます。 出版活動と同様に、webでも積極的に活動することで、多様な情報をつなげ、多くの「問い」を…

Study finds half of Americans get news on social media, but percentage has dropped

A new report from Pew Research finds that around a third of U.S. adults continue to get their news regularly from Facebook, though the exact percentage has slipped from 36% in 2020 to 31% in 2021. This drop reflects an overall slight decline in the number of Americans who say they get their news from […]