Britain got it wrong on Covid: long lockdown did more harm than good, says scientist

A new book outlines the mistakes and missteps that made UK pandemic worseThere was a distinctive moment, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, that neatly encapsulated the mistakes and confusion of Britain’s early efforts to tackle the disease, says M…

The Books Bill Gates Enjoyed Reading in 2021

Last night we asked what books you’d enjoyed reading this year.

Here’s how Bill Gates had answered the same question on his personal blog Gates Notes:

When I was a kid, I was obsessed with science fiction. Paul Allen and I would spend countless hour…

2021年度世界史関連ベストブック10 – 歴ログ -世界史専門ブログ-

今年読んだ本のベスト10を発表します ぼくは自分の読書本数を数えたことがないので、今年何冊読んだかよく分からないのですが、多分120~130冊くらいになると思います。 その中で「これは面白かったなあ」と印象に残っている作品をランキングにしました。 「世界史関連」と銘打っていますが、世界史以外の本、紀行文や…