最新のテクノロジーを備えたスマホのカメラは、景色を撮ったり、自撮りをする以外にも、隠しカメラを検出できることが明らかになった。 これを可能にするのは、最新のスマホに搭載されているToF(Time of Flight)センサーだ。ToFセンサーは、レーザーを物体に照射し、反射して戻ってきた反射光を分析することで撮影した…
自動化による問題の早期発見と早期対応がセキュリティ成功の鍵、Expelが早くもシリーズEで約160億円調達 | TechCrunch Japan
How to implement an actionable data ethics framework
It’s never too late to create and implement a data ethics framework, but the best step a company can take is implementing this framework from the outset of the business.
US banks must soon report significant cybersecurity incidents within 36 hours
U.S. financial regulators have approved a new rule that requires banking organizations to report any “significant” cybersecurity incident within 36 hours of discovery. Under the rule, banks must inform their primary federal regulator about incidents that have — or are reasonably likely to materially affect — the viability of their operations, their ability to deliver […]
ハッカー集団「Ghostwriter」の活動は、ある“独裁国家”が支援している? 調査結果から見えてきたこと
US says Iran-backed hackers are now targeting organizations with ransomware
The U.S. government, along with counterparts in Australia and the U.K, have warned that Iranian state-backed hackers are targeting U.S. organizations in critical infrastructure sectors — in some cases with ransomware. The rare warning linking Iran with ransomware landed in a joint advisory Wednesday, issued by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), the Federal […]
プログラムに埋め込まれた脆弱性やマルウエア(コンピューターウイルス)などを見つける有効な手段の1つが、そのソースコードを丹念に調べる(レビューする)こと。スキルのある開発者なら、ソースコードを調べることで異常に気づける。 だが、そういった開発者の目を欺く手法が発表された。ソースコードに細工を施せば…
Cloudflare blocked a massive 2 Tbps DDoS attack
Cloudflare says it has blocked a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack that peaked at just under 2 Tbps, making it one of the largest ever recorded. The internet company said in a blog post that the attack was launched from approximately 15,000 bots running a variant of the original Mirai code on exploited Internet of Things […]