星の爆死をライブ観測。人類は「超新星爆発のロゼッタストーン」を手に入れた2021.11.08 22:00 George Dvorsky – Gizmodo US [原文] ( 山田ちとら ) Image: NASA, ESA, Ryan Foley (UC Santa Cruz), Joseph DePasquale (STScI) via Gizmodo US|6000万年前に超新星爆発を起こしたSN 2020fqv。乙女座の方角にある銀河内…
政治的な緊張緩和に役立つ? 宇宙での新たな「行動規範」の策定に大きな前進
Star System With Right-Angled Planets Surprises Astronomers
Long-time Slashdot reader fahrbot-bot shared this report from the New York Times about a “particularly unusual” star about 150 light-years away that’s orbited by three planets:
What’s unusual is the inclinations of the outer two planets, HD 3167 c an…
宇宙には、既存の理論では説明がつかない「特異点」というものが存在します。天文学やブラックホールに関する話題の中に出てくるものの、実際にどんなものなのか具体的に分からないことも多い特異点について、科学系ニュースサイトのLive Scienceが解説しました。 What is a singularity? | Live Science https://www.li…
‘The Problem with the Big Bang Theory’
So how exactly did the universe come into existence? “A recent astronomical measurement recorded in a laboratory at the South Pole is causing scientists to revisit their theories…” writes Don Lincoln, a senior scientist at the Fermi National Accelera…
All systems go: Buy your pass to TC Sessions: Space 2021
Space Race 2.0 is heating up fast, and whether your role lies in the private or public sector, TC Sessions: Space 2021 focuses on the emerging trends, essential data science and creative collaborations required to build a sustainable space economy. Yesterday, we announced a portion of the fully virtual event’s agenda. Take a look. We […]
Satellite manufacturer Terran Orbital to go public in $1.58B SPAC merger
Terran Orbital, a leading manufacturer of small satellites, is going public in a merger with special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) Tailwind Two Acquisition Corp. The deal has a post-transaction enterprise value of $1.58 billion and will furnish the company with around $470 million. Of those funds, $345 million will come from Tailwind Two’s contribution, plus […]
Fifty Years, a deep-tech investor, has raised $90 million from tens of “unicorn” founders
Fifty Years, a six-year-old, San Francisco-based outfit with a portfolio that’s already rife with mostly deep tech companies — many with a good story to tell about how they can have an impact on the environment — just closed its third and newest fund with $90 million in capital commitments. The money isn’t coming from […]