‘I can’t work’: the mothers left to fight alone for their children’s mental health care

Three parents forced to give up their lives and careers to get help for their severely ill children tell their storiesCassandra Leese should have been at the front of the queue when the NHS called on former staff to return to help fight the nascent Cov…

The Guardian view on the Taliban’s advance: not an American debacle but Afghans’ tragedy

People are losing their homes, their freedom and their hope. That should be more of a priority than US credibility“There’s going to be no circumstance where you’ll see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy of the United States from Afghanistan…

‘A source of hope’: Afghanistan’s female journalists challenging sexism and the Taliban

Zahra Joya started Rukhshana Media so Afghan women could tell their stories in their own words. Now she is battling to keep it going as long as she canDespite years of development, investment and progress in the Afghan media industry, 28-year-old Zahra…