Congratulations, you got a next-gen console. It’s hard to believe that over a year after the launch of the Xbox Series X/S, it’s still so damn hard to find one. But you did it. Or someone who really loves you did and gifted it to you for the holidays. …
PS5 XSX 供應會更惡劣?原因是生產線暫停
相信各位都知道,目前新一代遊戲主機 PlayStation 5 及 Xbox Series X 主機,因為晶片問題,而導致產量大大下跌,因此不少用戶都正在觀望,希望產品在市場的現貨價格可以進一步回落,才購買一台,不過筆者個人認為,這個想法,可能需要到明年 3 月後,才能有所改善。 筆者推測,因為即將舉行的大型活動,例如東奧,會讓各大在中國的廠商需要「休息」,暫停或減少生產線,導致產能下跌,而過後亦會面對農曆新年,中國的廠商亦會需要因為做節,而暫停生產,亦會讓產量再次下降,因此讓一些需要依賴中國生產線…
全球因為晶片短缺,對於顯示卡、電話、及家用遊戲主機的供應量都極為不足,而目前影響已經相當嚴重,就是微軟近來在需要舉辦《最後一戰:無限》比賽時,因為主機供應不足,需要使用一批 Xbox Series X 開發機來作為比賽用機。 據了解,微軟因為零售版主機 Xbox Series X 供應不足,最後決定使用了Xbox Series X 開發機來作為《最後一戰:無限》比賽用機,343 Industries 的電競負責人 Tahir Hasandjekic 更表示,全球供應短缺相當嚴重。……
The PlayStation 5 Got Some Great Games In 2021 But Not Much Else
Who would have guessed that one of the most eye-catching video game consoles ever made would also be one of the least exciting?Read more…
Xbox Game Pass PC Gets A New Name And Four More Day One Games
Xbox Game Pass is a good name for a subscription games service. Xbox Game Pass for PC is not, so Microsoft got together with rappers Lil Dicky and GaTa last night during The Game Awards to announce the PC version’s new name, the much more sensible PC G…
《MONOPOLY 地產大亨:瘋樂》正式推出
Ubisoft 今日宣布,為經典《MONOPOLY 地產大亨》遊戲帶來創新的《MONOPOLY 地產大亨:瘋樂》,即日起在 Xbox One、Xbox Series X|S、PlayStation 4、PlayStation 5、Nintendo Switch 以及 Windows PC(Ubisoft Store 及 Epic Store)平台發售。……
Battle Royale Wrestling Game Looks Like A Cool Take On The Crowded Genre
Whether you’re a gym rat, a lifeguard, or a music performer, the premise of Rumbleverse is simple: everyone’s out to beat the shit out of everyone else. Tonight, Iron Galaxy Studios revealed the battle royale at The Game Awards.Read more…
Steelrising Game Says What If Victorian Times But With Robots?
Steelrising got a new trailer tonight during The Game Awards 2021, showing off its wild mix of robots and a Victorian-era world. The game is coming out next year to PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5.Read more…
Xbox Game Pass Adds Another Surprise Game
Xbox has started to release games on its popular Game Pass subscription service without announcing them, and it’s starting to feel like an advent calendar. Serious Sam 4 was previously only available on the PC and Stadia, but it got a surprise launch o…
Scuf’s New PS5 Controllers Have Cool Features, Large Price Tags
Atlanta-based Scuf gaming’s made a name for itself with outstanding third-party controllers for Xbox One, Series X/S, and PlayStation 4. Now the peripheral maker sets its sights on the PlayStation 5 with the new Scuf Reflex line, a trio of high-perform…