16 Things Every New PS5 Owner Should Try Or Consider

So, you got your hands on a PlayStation 5. Congrats! You’re officially in the next generation of console gaming, a member of an exclusive club allowed to play games about malicious space tentacle monsters and whatever the hell a lombax is. The PS5 migh…

PlayStation Store Has A Ton Of Games On Sale Right Now

PlayStation’s holiday sale is feeding gamers well this year. A ton of titles have prices marked down, including games scooping up awards or that just came out. And since just about all of these are available on both the PlayStation 4 and 5, you won’t h…

Let’s Talk About Those Spider-Man: No Way Home Post-Credits Scenes

So, Spider-Man: No Way Home, yeah? I, an insatiable fan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, saw it last night. This may come as a shock to hear, I know, but it’s good—like, really good. And beyond just being a wonderfully inventive blockbuster with a lot…

Destiny 2 Gets Evil Tobey Maguire Dance From Spider-Man 3

Destiny 2‘s mid-season expansion celebrating Bungie’s 30-year development history includes nods to Halo, Marathon, and…2007’s Spider-Man 3? Sure, why not. I mean there’s a literal trans-dimensional space pony currently chaperoning players through a The Price Is Right horde mode too, so clearly any thing is fair game.

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Henry Cavill Gently Corrects TV Host: It’s Warhammer, Not Warcraft

This is a conversation that I’m sure has played out countless times across kitchens and living rooms around the world as children, friends and partners patiently try and explain the difference between a video game universe and a tabletop wargaming univ…

Fortnite Chapter 3 Trailer Leaks, Revealing Spider-Man And Gears Of War Characters

Fortnite’s next big chapter is nearly here, but before the official launch of Chapter 3 Season 1, a trailer for the next era Epic’s mega-popular free-to-play shooter has leaked online revealing new skins, game mechanics, and characters coming soon.Read…

After All The Hype, Spider-Man Doesn’t Even Have Story Missions In Marvel’s Avengers

As demonstrated by Kate Bishop, Hawkeye, and Black Panther, the best part of new characters coming to Marvel’s Avengers are the story missions. These introduce us to the newcomers, giving us insight into their background and motivations, and provide a …

What The PS5 Has (And Hasn’t) Added Over The Past Year

One year ago, two notable events happened in the world of video games. First, on November 12, Sony released the PlayStation 5 in certain markets—its first totally new gaming console in seven years. Then, a few days later, Kotaku assessed the new system…