16 Things Every New PS5 Owner Should Try Or Consider

So, you got your hands on a PlayStation 5. Congrats! You’re officially in the next generation of console gaming, a member of an exclusive club allowed to play games about malicious space tentacle monsters and whatever the hell a lombax is. The PS5 migh…

PlayStation Store Has A Ton Of Games On Sale Right Now

PlayStation’s holiday sale is feeding gamers well this year. A ton of titles have prices marked down, including games scooping up awards or that just came out. And since just about all of these are available on both the PlayStation 4 and 5, you won’t h…

PS5 Owners Don’t Play Sony’s First-Party Games

It’s hard to believe, but a year ago to the date, Sony officially released the PlayStation 5 (well, in the States; globally it came out on November 19). Despite serious supply issues, an estimated 13 million players have been able to get their hands on…