Xbox Boss ‘Disturbed’ By What’s Going On At Activision Blizzard, Reconsidering Relationship

Head of Xbox, Phil Spencer, sent an email to staff calling the latest wave of allegations about Activision Blizzard deeply troubling, as first reported by Bloomberg and confirmed to Kotaku by Microsoft PR. Spencer joins a growing list of developers, sh…

Microsoft Exec Praises Preservation and Emulation, But Xbox Isn’t Getting More

Phil Spencer, vice president of gaming at Microsoft, wants the industry to sell more of its older games through legal emulation. There are steep legal barriers to making widespread industry emulation a reality, but it would be a boon to making older ga…

Bandai Namco 七龍珠遊戲最新企畫《七龍珠 破界鬥士》首次公開

台灣萬代南夢宮娛樂今日宣布,「七龍珠」家用主機遊戲最新企畫《七龍珠 破界鬥士》預計將於 2022 年在 PS4、Nintendo Switch、Xbox One、Steam 上登場。同時公開最新宣傳影片。 《七龍珠 破界鬥士》是以《七龍珠 異戰2》的世界為舞台,由七龍珠最具代表性的敵對角色「侵略者」,與不具超凡力量的普通市民「倖存者」間,1 對 7 展開的非對稱動作遊戲。 「倖存者」的目標是,躲過擁有強大力量的侵略者的視線並逃離戰場,「侵略者」的目標則是打倒所有倖存者並阻止他們脫逃。 遊戲名稱:七龍…

獎落誰家?遊戲大獎 2021 年度遊戲候選名單揭曉

今日知名的電子遊戲獎項「遊戲大獎 The Game Awards」揭露了 2021 年的年度遊戲候選名單,本次名單除了有登陸各平台的遊戲作品之外,也包括了 Switch 以及 PS5 的獨佔遊戲。 遊戲大獎 2021 年度遊戲候選名單: DEATHLOOP 雙人成行 密特羅德 生存恐懼 Psychonauts……

What Phil Spencer Can’t Tell You About Elder Scrolls VI Exclusivity

When the hotly-anticipated open world sci-fi RPG Starfield comes out next year it won’t be coming to PS4 or PS5. That’s a fact that seemed obvious the second Microsoft announced it was buying publisher Bethesda over a year ago in a groundbreaking $7.5 …

Don’t Let Halo Infinite Make You Forget About The Great New Game Pass Additions

It’s hard to believe, I know, but there are other games coming to Xbox that don’t start with Halo and end with Infinite. Over the next two weeks, Microsoft will add 10 more games to Xbox Game Pass. Here’s what’s struck me: I’ve been watching these roll…

《上古卷軸VI》將不會於 PS5 平台發行

自從微軟收購 Bethesda 母公司 ZeniMax Media 之後,許多玩家就擔心未來在 PlayStation 平台沒辦法再玩到 Bethesda 所開發的遊戲作品,很可惜的是,這個想法似乎要成真了。根據 Xbox 負責人 Phil Spencer 在接受英國 GQ 訪談時,他就暗示知名遊戲系列的最新作品《上古卷軸VI》將不會在 PS5……

70+ Classic Games Are Coming To Xbox, Some of Them With Performance Boosts

Today during Microsoft’s 20th anniversary Xbox event, the company announced that 76 new games are being added to the Xbox backwards compatibility library, including the entire Max Payne franchise, F.E.A.R series, multiple Star Wars games, and more. Xbo…

The Best Video Games Of 2021 So Far

Let’s get this out of the way: Given all the ~everything~, simply releasing a game in 2021 is nothing short of a miracle. Every single one deserves a round of applause. But some, let’s face it, are better than others. As summer wraps, we thought it’d b…