Wild grain by ibm4381 (cc by)clew’s post Stones speak and ashes live explores recent archeological research and evidence that “shred the long-standing idea that early people subsisted mainly on meat.”
building in a glass of water by Jeanne Menjoulet (cc by)Water in my NYC apartment tastes funny. How to test it? I’m a drinking water scientist and this is what we suggest to customers having water quality issues…
A Specialist Occupation?
Hotpoint All Pink Kitchen, 1961 by JoeInSouthernCA (cc by-nd)I’ll put it bluntly: modern cooking is a social dick-measuring contest: Kadin2048 has an intriguing comment about the “fixation on cooking at home as a moral good” in theora55’s post on Ultr…
“All Killer, No Filler”
detail from cover art from the book Electrical Banana: Masters of Psychedelic ArtSlinga has posted the perfectly wonderful 45 minutes of Funky Old Japanese Soundtracks to chill out to, and we love it.
Ore You Going To Eat That?
Baby Starfish by A. Jarrett (cc by-nc-nd)Today in Weird Science!: A handy guide to the rocks and minerals of Minecraft, teensy little cannibals who eat their own siblings for their own survival, and hot, hot, sweaty manikins.(Hey, it’s Weird Science th…
Theme Week
We’re having theme weeks as part of our fundraising month, and the theme for this week is WEIRD SCIENCE! Also currently in Metatalk, Show Us Your View!
Tagged “Truthiness”
IMG_6734 by dvdmnk (cc by)In AskMetafilter, soylent00FF00 says, “I’ve learned that I was wrong (dead wrong!) about a couple of scientific “facts” that I had assumed were kind of “general knowledge” (for a certain nerdy sciencey kind of person), and ask…
Plate Of Beans In the Style Of HR Giger
ocschwar’s A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctorsThis stuff is crazy, it’s like someone found a alien spaceship in the desert and hooked the warp engine to its own tailpipe to answer questions about the universe. — RobotVoodooPowerCash4Lea…
Eye Spy
Ojo by Cebolledo (cc by)When I hear a chipmunk chucking I look for the nearby raptor: Lots of lovely, fascinating, relatable, inspiring, unusual, surprising, curious, strange, and amusing insights in this Metatalktail Hour post wherein wittgenstein as…
Focus On ADHD
ADHD by PracticalCures (cc by)brainwane has a couple of great posts up about ADHD: The World Federation of ADHD’s International Consensus Statement of 208 Evidence-based conclusions about the disorder, and “this was like discovering DNA”, about David C…