Amazon workers at two Chicago warehouses walk out to demand better treatment

This morning, dozens of warehouse workers at two Amazon facilities near Chicago staged a pre-Christmas walkout during the busiest time of the year to demand better treatment and higher wages. “We have been passed over for raises. We are being overworked, even when there is sufficient people to work here,” a worker at the DLN2 […]

Amazon seeks India antitrust watchdog’s approval to buy Catamaran stake in Cloudtail-parent firm Prione

Amazon is seeking an Indian antitrust watchdog’s approval to buy Catamaran Ventures’ stake in Prione, which operates one of the largest sellers on the e-commerce platform, months after the two firms said they won’t renew their joint venture after May next year. The announcement comes as a surprise as Catamaran owns a 76% stake in […]

2021年に刊行され、おもしろかったノンフィクションを振り返る – 基本読書

2021年も終わろうとしているので、今年刊行された本の中でも特におもしろかった・記憶に残ったノンフィクションを振り返っていこうかと。昨年に引き続き今年も本の雑誌の新刊ノンフィクションガイドを担当していたので、冊数はノンフィクションだけで200冊ぐらいは(数えているわけではないけど)読んでいるはず。 とは…