Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes testifies in her own criminal trial

One of the biggest mysteries in former Theranos founder and CEO Elizabeth Holmes’ high-profile fraud trial was whether or not she would testify. So it was a shock late Friday afternoon when the Stanford dropout took the stand, eleven weeks after the trial began. Now that the prosecution has rested its case — questioning witnesses […]



子どもの自由研究が160万円に!? いま、NFT×アートの最前線で何が起きているのか? ゲスト:草野絵美(アーティスト)[音声配信]

NFT(ノンファンジブル・トークン)への注目が高まるなか、小学3年生の男の子が「夏休みの自由研究」でつくったピクセルアートが160万円の値を付けたというニュースが飛び込んできた。NFT×アートの領域で、いったい何が起きているのか。件の「小学3年生」Zombie Zoo Keeper(ゾンビ飼育員)くんの母親であるアーティストの草野絵美に、その顛末からシーンの展望までを訊いた。

都市を豊かにする/文化を育むための観光・ホテルの未来像 ゲスト:扇沢友樹/日下部淑世(株式会社めい共同創業者)[音声配信]


How Apple built the iPhone 13’s Cinematic Mode

The Cinematic Mode on the iPhone 13 Pro models had a marquee spot in Apple’s presentation about the devices last week. The reviews so far this week have people acknowledging the cleverness but questioning its usefulness.  I’ve been testing out the feature for the past week and this weekend took it to Disneyland to give […]

Apple Music is using Shazam to solve the streaming industry’s problem with DJ mixes

Apple Music announced today that it’s created a process to properly identify and compensate all of the individual creators involved in making a DJ mix. Using technology from the audio-recognition app Shazam, which Apple acquired in 2018 for $400 million, Apple Music is working with major and independent labels to devise a fair way to […]

Spotify officially launches Blend, allowing friends to match their musical tastes and make playlists together

Spotify today is officially rolling out its shared playlist feature called Blend to global users, with a few changes. Earlier this summer, Spotify had first launched the new shared playlist experience into beta testing. The feature, which allows two people to combine their favorite songs into one shared playlist, uses the same music mixing technology […]

Social listening app Earbuds raises $3 million in Series A funding

Most startup origin stories don’t begin on an NFL field, but that’s where founder, CEO and offensive tackle Jason Fox conceptualized the idea behind Earbuds. As he watched first overall draft pick Cam Newton warm up before a game in 2011, dancing to music, Fox couldn’t help but wonder what the future NFL MVP was […]