ノンレイジングのロウ・ベルに、マシン&ハンド・ハンマリングを掛け合わせ、Evolution/Legacy/Artisanシリーズのテクノロジーを結集し、モダン・ダーク・サウンドを提唱するセイビアンのHHX Complex […]…
“Barista” is a fascist neologism
The History Guy presents a Brief History of Coffee On the popular YouTube channel The History Guy Lance Geiger explores “short snippets of forgotten history” ranging from the Los Angeles Chinese Massacre of 1871 to the history of housecats. He’s also …
China vs. Capitalism
Xi Jinping Aims to Rein In Chinese Capitalism, Hew to Mao’s Socialist Vision Mr. Xi’s conviction: Chinese socialism under sole control of the party will prevail over U.S.-style capitalism. …when the Chinese Communist party celebrated its centenary on…
An interesting Chinese Art form: Inside Painted Snuff Bottle
An interesting Chinese art form I found While collecting artwork, particularly on Chinese antique and modern art, I found Chinese snuff bottles are my favorite. So want to share it with the members here. See if there is anyone who loves this small craf…