こんにちは︕ もうすっかり冬ですね! また雪の季節が到来しちゃって、げんなりしている総務部 中の人です(; ́・ω・) 今回はオフィスで対応していた、会社代表電話の受電方法を在宅勤務の今︕どう対応しているのかをご紹介でき […]…
Omicron cases less likely to require hospital treatment, studies show
High rate of infectiousness could still strain hospitals around the world.
FDA gives emergency authorization to Pfizer’s COVID-19 pill
COVID-19 patients as young as 12 are eligible for enzyme-inhibiting treatment.
Biden’s omicron battle plan includes 500 million home test kits
President Biden outlined the federal government’s response to omicron’s ascendancy.
Details released on the Trump administration’s pandemic chaos
Report provides details of how Trump’s appointees got in the way.
Mask up! The best face masks for use against COVID-19 [Updated]
Finding masks that meet CDC and WHO guidelines is tough. We did the work for you.
オミクロン株でよくわかる米軍基地問題 – はてなの鴨澤
沖繩でオミクロン株ダダ漏れ。ついに米軍から! 一人の行動が槍玉に挙げられてる東京都は桁が2つばかり違うぜ。 それでももちろん、米軍は平常運転です: www.okinawatimes.co.jp "県内で初めて新型コロナウイルスのオミクロン株の感染が確認された17日、感染した基地従業員が働く金武町のキャンプ・ハンセンのゲート前…
Vaccine trial finds a glitch with children in one age range
Company is adding a third dose to the trial after finding a low immune response.
After months-long battle, Apple takes the due date off its return-to-office plans
Rising virus cases and the new variant were the cited reasons.