Izumi.jazz💜全米が震える酒豪 @jazz0128 Nothing is impossible. NYC/RI 主食はドーナツ/ジャズボーカル(都内でJazzを歌っていました)/アメリカで暮らす日韓夫婦/4歳と9歳女の子の母/こちらでもJAZZ歌うのが新たな目標です。沢山絡んで空回るタイプです。お気軽にご乗車下さい。 Izumi.jazz💜全米が震える酒豪 @jazz0…
アメリカ人に朝一で仕事を依頼したら “Ten four.” と言われ、意味を取り違えて困惑「なにその初見殺し」
山口慶明🇺🇸で何とか生きてる @girlmeetsNG アメリカ人に朝一で仕事を依頼したら"Ten four."と言われ「10時4分までにやってくれるのか。何か中途半端な時間だけど早くて助かる」と思ったが午後になっても連絡がなく状況を確認したら「まだだけど急ぎ?」と言われ「え?」ってなったんだけど10-4(ten four)はOKのスラングら…
Dear English Language
You need to pick a frickin’ lane with the sounds you’re making (SLYT)
TV, emphasis on the
Doctor Who wasn’t the only British TV series to start out educational and become its own thing. There’s a reason 1985’s Letters in Wonderland was later renamed Trouble with T-Bag. The following seasons (bar the last) followed a modified formula revolvi…
“English spelling is ridiculous”
These norms in the literacy of English speakers today are so well entrenched that simple adjustments are very jarring. If ai trai tu repreezent mai akshuel pronownseeayshun in raiteeng, yu kan reed it, but its difikelt and disterbeeng tu du soh. It jus…
BoldVoice wants to help nonnative English speakers find (and flaunt) their voices
When Anada Lakra and Ilya Usorov first moved to the United States, they struggled to find their voices. They both knew and understood English, but when it came time to speak up, their accents became a hurdle. Usorov, for example, watched his Russian-born parents struggle to advocate for themselves, which limited work opportunities. While Lakra, […]