‘Hidden pandemic’: Peruvian children in crisis as carers die

With 93,000 children in Peru losing a parent to Covid, many face depression, anxiety and povertyWhen Covid-19 began shutting down Nilda López’s vital organs, doctors decided that the best chance of saving her and her unborn baby was to put her into a c…

Fairness will be key to successfully tackling the climate crisis | Larry Elliott

Just as inequality fuelled the pandemic, it could wreck plans to cut emissionsThe message from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change could hardly be clearer. Business as usual means global temperatures will rise by more than 1.5C above pre-indu…

Discrimination based on your name alone is a stubborn reality in Britain today | Nasar Meer

Until society confronts institutional and cultural racism, such inequalities will be immune to changes in the lawWhat’s in a name? A great deal it would seem, including perhaps a diminished chance of being shortlisted for a job, offered a university pl…