Cop26 must not overshadow Kunming: we need joint climate and biodiversity goals | Ma Jun

Ecosystem collapse is as much a threat as the climate crisis, but valuing nature will help us meet both these challengesAll eyes are on Cop26 in Glasgow since the climate crisis aroused worldwide attention and compelled more than 120 countries to join …

you can call me queen bee

More Than Honey – “In 2013 Markus Imhoof used mini-helicopters and high-speed cameras to capture an extraordinary video of the inflight mating of a queen bee. The ejaculation of a drone bee is so powerful that his endophallus ruptures and he quickly di…

Surrey heating co-op’s woodland scheme entices rare butterfly to return

Scheme that uses locally harvested woodchip to heat homes of retired sailors yields biodiversity benefitsA low-carbon co-operative that heats the homes of retired sailors has helped one of Britain’s rarest butterflies return to a nearby wood.Springbok …