Many people with long COVID feel that science is failing them. Neglecting them could make the pandemic even worse. Despite long-haulers’ fight for recognition, any discussion of the pandemic still largely revolves around two extremes—good health at one…
Rugby: Head Impact Study Shows Cognitive Decline After Just One Season
Researchers from the University of South Wales found that over just one season a team of professional rugby players saw a decline in blood flow to the brain and cognitive function — the ability to reason, remember, formulate ideas and perform mental g…
RNA vaccines seem to produce very different antibody levels
Result raises questions about correlation between protection and antibody levels.
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、 先日フジロックによる感染拡大が危惧されたばかりだが、病床逼迫状況1位の愛知県において30日、HIP HOP系の野外フェス「波物語 #NAMIMONOGATARI」が感染対策をしないまま開催され、数千人がノーマスク&飲酒有で大騒ぎしたことが判明して、会場を提供した市が激怒する事態となっているようだ(ITmedia, Togetterまとめ)。 市の抗議文によれば「波物語 #NAMIMONOGATARI」は元々「トラブルの絶えないイベントだった」ということだ…
Southeast Asia “omnichannel” health startup Doctor Anywhere gets $88M SGD
Doctor Anywhere, a startup that takes an “omnichannel” approach to healthcare, announced today it has raised $88 million SGD (about $65.7 million USD) in Series C funding. The round was led by Asia Partners, with participation from Novo Holdings, Philips and OSK-SBI Partners. It also included returning investors EDBI, Square Peg, IHH Healthcare, Kamet Capital […]
27~29日に開催された音楽イベント「GLOBAL ARK 2021 -The 10th Anniversary-」が炎上している。炎上の理由は同イベント運営側がイベントの参加時にドレスコードとして「おしゃれマスク」を指定しており、「不織布マスクNG」という方針を打ち出したためだ(日刊スポーツ、Yahoo!ニュース、毎日新聞)。
Herrera wasn’t a saint. But he may have been something better than that.
“Costa Rica shows what an alternative looks like.” Atul Gawande explores the benefits of Costa Rica’s “braid[ed] together” health care and public health systems. (SLNYorker) Atul Gawande previously.
Reducing Sugar In Packaged Foods Can Prevent Disease In Millions, Study Finds
Long-time Slashdot reader schwit1 quotes a new press release from Massachusetts General Hospital: Cutting 20% of sugar from packaged foods and 40% from beverages could prevent 2.48 million cardiovascular disease events (such as strokes, heart attacks, …
米国で正式承認されたコミナティ、ブランド名が読みにくいと SNS や米メディアで不評を買う
caret 曰く、ファイザー-バイオンテックの COVID-19 ワクチンは米食品医薬品局 (FDA) の正式承認により米国でブランド名「Comirnaty」 (koe-mir’-na-tee、コミューナティー※。日本での販売名は「コミナティ筋注」) によるマーケティングが可能となった。しかし、Comirnaty は読みにくく、滑稽なネーミングであると SNS や米メディアで不評を買っている(テレ朝 news の記事、
中央日報 の記事、CNN の記事、
The Washington Post の記…
Calls Grow to Discipline Doctors Spreading Virus Misinformation Online
The New York Times tells the story of an Indiana physician spreading misinformation about the pandemic.
Public health officials say statements like his have contributed to America’s vaccine hesitancy and resistance to mask-wearing, exacerbating the pan…