This Week in Apps: Apple and Google’s best apps of the year, Amazon Appstore fails, Twitter’s new CEO

Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the weekly TechCrunch series that recaps the latest in mobile OS news, mobile applications and the overall app economy. The app industry continues to grow, with a record 218 billion downloads and $143 billion in global consumer spend in 2020. Consumers last year also spent 3.5 trillion minutes […]

NTTドコモ、「テストです」誤配信によるアクセス集中で「d払い」「dアカウント」に自爆障害が発生してしまいお詫び : 市況かぶ全力2階建

焼き魚@roast_fish_kogeドコモがd払いでやらかした? 2021/12/03 17:13:56 d払いさん、本番環境で通知テストするのやめてください…。 — Toku_Hero (@Toku_Hero) December 3, 2021 障害で慌てたんだよね。分かる。 自分のチームでも「テストです」を数十万人に送ったことあるもん。#d払い pic…

Picsart acquires R&D company DeepCraft in seven-figure deal to aid video push

SoftBank-based digital creation platform Picsart, which recently hit uniciorn status, announced today it’s acquiring the research and development company DeepCraft. The deal is a combination of both cash and stock and is in the seven-figure range, but the exact terms aren’t being disclosed. Picsart today offers a range of digital creation and editing tools aimed […]

iモード公式サイト、きょう終了 メールは継続

NTTドコモは11月30日、3G携帯電話(フィーチャーフォン)向けインターネットサービス「iモード」の公式サイトを終了する。12月1日以降はコンテンツの閲覧や操作などを停止。1999年2月のサービス開始から22年で歴史に幕を下ろした。 iモード公式サイトでは、インターネットバンキングの他、動画や着メロ、デコメ絵文字、…

Walmart will be the first retailer to test Twitter’s new livestream shopping platform

Twitter’s e-commerce initiatives now include livestream shopping and Walmart will be the first retailer to test the new platform. Over the past year, Walmart has invested in live shopping by hosting events across social platforms like TikTok and YouTube, and soon it will debut Twitter’s first-ever shoppable livestream. On November 28, Walmart will kick off […]

This Week in Apps: Apple defends app ad buying, Spotify gains lyrics, Instagram kills Threads

Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the weekly TechCrunch series that recaps the latest in mobile OS news, mobile applications and the overall app economy. The app industry continues to grow, with a record 218 billion downloads and $143 billion in global consumer spending in 2020. Consumers last year also spent 3.5 trillion minutes […]

6割のユーザーがECサイトが重くて離脱。我慢できる秒数は? – Fastask調べ|モバイルマーケティング研究所|ModuleApps2.0

ジャストシステム「Marketing Research Camp」はネットリサーチサービス「Fastask」を利用して、事前の調査で、17歳〜68歳の男女1,054名を対象に『Eコマース&アプリコマース月次定点調査 (2019年1月度)』を発表しました。 6割がスマートフォンアプリを利用 スマートフォンでeコマースをする方に「あなたが最も利用す…

Waldo brings its ad-free, private photo-sharing service direct to consumers

Waldo, a photo-sharing platform that has historically targeted businesses, schools, camps, sports leagues, and other organizations, is capitalizing on the growing anti-Facebook sentiment to promote its newly launched consumer product. The company today is introducing a service aimed at private photo-sharing among family and friends which it’s promoting as an “ad-free, non-toxic” and private alternative […]