In which the author travels to South Dakota to visit a gold mine—housing LUX.
Quantum of solace: even physicists are still scratching their heads | Letters
Readers respond to an editorial about understanding quantum theory and defining the laws of physicsYour editorial on quantum physics (30 August) starts with a quote from Richard Feynman – “nobody understands quantum mechanics” – and then says “that is …
Physicists discover new kind of tetraquark—the longest-lived yet found
The new particle has two charmed quarks, one up antiquark, and one down antiquark.
Dark matter: one last push to crack the biggest secret in the universe
Scientists are pinning hopes on elaborate detectors to track the elusive material that holds galaxies togetherDeep underground, scientists are closing in on one of the most elusive targets of modern science: dark matter. In subterranean laboratories in…