Johnson blamed for Covid test shortages as cases hit record 183,000

Labour criticises PM over ‘total shambles’ of some essential workers being unable to access test kitsCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageBoris Johnson has been accused of presiding over a “total shambles” as millions of people s…

The Guardian view on climate activism: between obedience and resistance | Editorial

Non-violent civil disobedience remains a vital tool for protest, but its form is shiftingIf asked to name a news story linked to environmental protest in 2021, chances are that most British people would, depending on where they live, mention either the…

What the UK and hauliers can expect from long-delayed Brexit controls

From 1 January checks and paperwork will finally begin and EU exporters face a rude awakening• ‘It won’t be easy’: the European exporters battling Brexit bureaucracyEU exporters of cheese, car parts and other goods are facing a mountain of red tape to …

【速報】日本人、月面へ 2020年代後半に 岸田首相が表明(TBS系(JNN)) – Yahoo!ニュース

岸田首相は、政府の宇宙開発戦略本部で2020年代後半に日本人宇宙飛行士の月面着陸を  実現させると表明しました。 岸田首相 「2020年代後半には日本人宇宙飛行士の月面着陸の実現をはかってまいります」 今日行われた会議では国の宇宙政策の基本方針「宇宙基本計画」の工程表を改定すると決めました。 岸田首相は、日…