
人類は火星で生命を見たときに、それを生命として認識できるのだろうか?── そう問うのはNASAの火星探査車パーサヴィアランスのミッションに参加する地球生物学者にして聖職者でもあるパメラ・コンラッドだ。科学的な手法と神学的な洞察を用いることは、火星における有機物、生命、あるいは「聖霊」の発見にいかにつながるのか? 人類が築き上げた科学と宗教というふたつの世界を橋渡しする彼女へのインタヴュー。

$100M donation powers decade-long moonshot to create solar satellites that beam power to Earth

It sounds like a plan concocted by a supervillain, if that villain’s dastardly end was to provide cheap, clean power all over the world: launch a set of three-kilometer-wide solar arrays that beam the sun’s energy to the surface. Even the price tag seems gleaned from pop fiction: one hundred million dollars. But this is […]

Alok Sharma is trying to save the world. Should he be able to fly to do it?

Experts and campaigners defend UK minister in charge of Cop26 talks amid furore over diplomatic plane tripsThe starkest warning yet on how close the global climate is to the point of no return will be delivered to the world on Monday morning, when the …