
スマートフォンの37%に搭載されているチップに存在するセキュリティ上の脆弱性(ぜいじゃくせい)を、サイバーセキュリティ企業・Check Point Software Technologiesの脅威インテリジェンス調査部門であるCheck Point Research(CPR)が発見しました。この脆弱性は、悪意のあるハッカーによるユーザーの盗聴につながり得る…

Nintendo Switchのルートキーを取得する方法をハッカーが解説

2018年にもNintendo Switchのルートキーを取得したことがあるというハッカーのplutoo氏が、アップデートによりセキュリティ機能が強化された最新のNintendo Switchのルートキーを取得する方法を公開しました。 Full key extraction of NVIDIA™ TSEC https://gist.githubusercontent.com/plutooo/733318dbb57166d203c10d1…


標的型攻撃などにより組織内にマルウエアが侵入するリスクが高まっている。侵入したマルウエアが外部との通信を開始したとき、その通信をセキュリティー機器で検知すれば被害を抑えやすい。 ただそうした機能を持つセキュリティー機器は非常に高価だ。安価で入手できて消費電力が小さく小型なコンピューター「ラズパイ」…



Gift Guide: The smart home starter kit

A year ago I accidentally turned my house into a smart home. What started out as an easy (and lazy, let’s be honest) way to switch off the radio in the kitchen without getting up from the couch quickly became an obsession to remotely control and automate as much of my house as possible. What […]

EU retail giant Schwarz Group snags security startup XM Cyber for $700 million

Schwarz Group, an EU-based retail company, announced today that it has acquired Israeli security startup XM Cyber for $700 million. It may seem like a strange partnership, as Schwarz is best known as the owners of the Lidl and Kaufland supermarkets, but the company believes that extending into security will ultimately help benefit its retail […]

GoDaddy says data breach exposed over a million user accounts

Web hosting giant GoDaddy has reported a data breach with U.S. financial regulators, and warns that data on 1.2 million customers may have been accessed. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, GoDaddy’s chief information security officer Demetrius Comes said the company detected unauthorized access to its systems where it hosts and manages […]

US education software company exposed personal data of 1.2M students

SmarterSelect, a U.S.-based company that provides software for managing the application process for scholarships, exposed the personal data of thousands of applicants because of a misconfigured Google Cloud Storage bucket. The data spill, discovered by cybersecurity company UpGuard, contained 1.5 terabytes of data collected by a number of programs that offer financial support to students. […]