Gitai successfully demos autonomous robot inside the International Space Station

Tokyo space startup Gitai Japan successfully conducted a technology demonstration of its autonomous robotic arm inside the International Space Station last week, a key milestone as the company prepares to provide robotics as a service in space. The S1 robotic arm performed two tasks: operating cables and switches, and assembling structures and panels. These tasks […]

Learn how studying lunar samples may help sustain human life beyond our planet at TC Sessions: Space 2021

The dream of understanding, exploring and even settlin1g other worlds is alive and well at TC Sessions: Space 2021. On December 14-15, some of this planet’s foremost experts will be in the house to talk about lunar samples and why they’re critical to determining whether humans can live on other planets. Lunar samples, in the […]



あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、韓国は2013年に「ナ…

Max Q: Nanoracks, Voyager and Lockheed Martin plan commercial space station

Hello and welcome back to Max Q. The era of commercial space stations is here. Read on for news from Nanoracks, Voyager and Lockheed Martin on their plans to launch a space station in 2027, plus news on SpaceX’s Starship. Tips, opinions, criticism, thoughts? Email me at or find me on Twitter at @breadfrom. […]

Promus Ventures closes €120 million ($139 million) space fund amid investment boom

Chicago-based Promus Ventures has closed a €120 million ($139 million) space fund, dubbed Orbital Ventures, focused on early-stage space companies. The new fund, which will be based in Luxembourg, grew out of a mix of public and private investment. The European Investment Fund, the financing arm of the European Union’s European Investment Bank Group, committed […]

Next week, join NASA, US Space Force for fireside chat on commercial opportunities in the new space age

The booming space industry is evolving and expanding at an unprecedented rate. It’s the most complex, costly sector, and the traditional boundaries between national security, civil and commercial space are changing rapidly to create new opportunities. We’re thrilled to announce that on November 2, we will host a live, 30-minute FREE webinar called, Full Speed […]


ボーイングの CST-100 Starliner は バルブ不調により国際宇宙ステーション (ISS) への打ち上げが延期されているが、ボーイングの宇宙・打ち上げ担当チーフエンジニア ミシェル・パーカー氏が可能性の高い原因を NASA の記者会見で公表した (記者会見音声、 The Register の記事、 Ars Technica の記事)。

Starliner は打ち上げテストミッション Orbital Flight Test-2 (OFT-2) を7月31日に予定していたが、ロシアの多目的…

Voyager, Nanoracks and Lockheed’s ‘Starlab’ is the latest sign that the low Earth orbit economy is coming

The era of private space stations is officially here as Nanoracks, Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin announce plans to launch a commercial station in 2027, but it’s just the next logical step for developing the new space economy, the companies say. “One of our key theses for the industry is that the last 10 years […]

紫色の神秘的なオーロラ映像 欧州宇宙機関が公開

10月9日、大規模な太陽嵐が「コロナ質量放出(CME)」を引き起こし、大量のプラズマが地球に向かって放出されました。これが地球に到達して磁気圏に衝突すると、通常では見られない美しいオーロラが世界各地で発生します。CMEは […]

The post 紫色の神秘的なオーロラ映像 欧州宇宙機関が公開 first appeared on SlashGear Japan.