イーロン・マスク曰く、ジェフ・ベゾスは SpaceX を訴える仕事に専念するため Amazon CEO を引退した

イーロン・マスク氏がジェフ・ベゾス氏について、SpaceX を相手取った訴訟を提起する仕事をフルタイムでするために Amazon CEO を引退したようだと批判している (マスク氏のツイート、 The Verge の記事、 Neowin の記事、 Ars Technica の記事)。

この発言は、Amazon が SpaceX の Gen2 Starlink 衛星計画を却下するよう米連邦通信委員会 (FCC) に要求したとの報道を受けたものだ。SpaceX は Gen2 計画の修正案で、 2 つの…

Peter Beck on Rocket Lab’s public listing debut, space SPACs and the Neutron rocket

Peter Beck’s earliest memory is standing outside with his father in his hometown of Invercargill, New Zealand, looking up at the stars and being told that there could very well be people on planets orbiting those stars looking right back at him. “For a three or four year old, that was a mind-blowing thing that […]

Astroscale successfully demos in-space capture-and-release system to clear orbital debris

Astroscale hit a major milestone Wednesday, when its space junk removal demo satellite that’s currently in orbit successfully captured and released a client spacecraft using a magnetic system. The End-of-Life Services by Astroscale-demonstration (ELSA-d) mission was launched in March, with the goal of validating the company’s orbital debris removal tech. The demonstrator package, which was […]

Ispace unveils bigger moon lander capable of surviving lunar nights

Ispace, a Japanese space startup that aims to lead the development of a lunar economy, has unveiled its design for a large lander that could go to the moon as early as 2024. Tokyo-based ispace said this next-gen lander, dubbed Series 2, would be used on the company’s third planned moon mission. The lander is […]