US Afghanistan withdrawal a ‘logistical success but strategic failure’, Milley says

General and other military leaders in heated cross-examinationMilley defends loyalty to country and rejects suggestion to quitThe withdrawal from Afghanistan and the evacuation of Kabul was “a logistical success but a strategic failure,” the chairman o…

Barack Obama: tax the rich, including me, to fund Biden spending plan

Former president says billionaires should ‘pay a little bit more in taxes’ to fund healthcare, childcare and the climate crisis fightIn deep red West Virginia, Biden spending plan is popularBarack Obama says wealthy Americans – including himself – can …

Anita Hill on sexual harassment and survival: ‘You have to think: what is my life for?’

Before Christine Blasey Ford and Monica Lewinsky, there was Anita Hill, shamed for exposing the actions of a powerful man. She explains how she withstood the tumultAnita Hill sits so still that, when she is not speaking, I worry that the screen through…