U.S. Government Curious Why Teslas Allow Gaming While Driving

When Tesla expanded its growing list of dashboard touchscreen games last winter, the update inexplicably allowed drivers to play them while the electric car was in motion. Almost a year later, the United States government is finally asking the company …

Hilarious Halo Infinite Glitch Turns Warthogs Into Go-Karts

Despite its trappings as a jingoistic space opera, the Halo franchise often finds itself straddling the line between serious and humorous. The latest example of this phenomenon is a glitch that sees the series’ ubiquitous Warthog jeeps shrunk down to c…

Garfield’s Gonna Kick Monday’s Ass In The Nickelodeon Fighting Game

Internet sensation Garfield is the first post-release character being added to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, the devs behind the impressive Smash-style platform fighter announced today.Read more…

Amazon Web Services Outage Affects Several Major Games

Amazon Web Services, upon which much of the internet is built, is experiencing issues with its biggest hub of data centers. Naturally, this means a lot of folks are having trouble logging into and playing some of their favorite games.Read more…

Halo Infinite’s Multiplayer Is About To Get Much Better With New Playlists

Although Halo players are currently enjoying an early look at Infinite multiplayer ahead of the campaign launch on December 8, one of the biggest complaints from the community concerns the first-person shooter’s lack of playlists. But that should chang…

Someone Is Trying To Make Mother 4 Again And It Looks Great

Not satisfied with simply taking inspiration from Mother (known as EarthBound outside Japan), a new group of developers is trying their hands at creating an unofficial numbered entry in Nintendo’s cult classic role-playing franchise.Read more…

Elden Ring May Just Reinvent The Open-World Genre

From Software, as you may already know, has a new game coming out early next year. It’s called Elden Ring, and after spending a few hours with it during last week’s preview, I’m here to say that it’s shaping up to be something really special.Read more….

An Open Thread If You Need To Vent

I said at the beginning of the year that it felt weird to talk about video games as a right-wing mob stormed the United States capitol building. Sad to say, that feeling hasn’t let up in the last 10 months and change, especially with the news currently…

F-Zero Fans Offer $5,000 Bounty For Long-Lost SNES Race Tracks

Do you have old Satellaview cartridges lying around that were last used 24 years ago to play an obscure, Japan-exclusive F-Zero game? Well, that aging data is now worth a good chunk of cash thanks to a pair of fans intent on preserving the franchise’s …