Over 1200 Activision Blizzard Employees Sign Petition Demanding CEO Bobby Kotick Quit

The ABK Workers Alliance, a group of Activision Blizzard workers formed in response to the company’s treatment of its employees, began circulating a petition earlier today for anyone working at the publisher’s studios and offices to sign. It has now be…

Let’s Meet The Board Members Supporting Besieged Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick

Activision Blizzard has had a nightmarish 2021, with historic allegations of harassment causing enormous upheaval at the company, several high-profile lawsuits and the departure (or firings) of many key executives and developers. You would think that t…

Bobby Kotick Actually Wrote Fran Townsend’s Deranged, Company-Wide Email

Earlier this year, an email was sent to all employees of Activision Blizzard from the email account of Chief Compliance Officer, former Executive Sponsor of the ABV Employee Women’s Network and former Torture Apologist Fran Townsend. Sent in the midst …

Company Of Heroes: The Kotaku Review

I’ve reviewed a lot of video game adaptations as part of my board game coverage for Kotaku. As you’d expect, since this is first and foremost a video game website. Some of those adaptations have been OK, some have been pretty good, but I haven’t played…

Skate 2 Servers Killed Just As Game Makes Comeback

The good news first: EA’s classic Skate 2 is one of the over 70 games coming to the Xbox Series X/S’s backwards compatibility list. The bad news? It’s going to be missing its online multiplayer shortly afterwards, because EA is turning off the game’s s…

Call Of Duty Cheaters ‘May’ Be Banned From Every Call Of Duty Game Ever Made

In a blog post published last week innocuously titled Ricochet Anti-Cheat Progress Report, the Call of Duty team slipped in some drastic news about how their anti-cheat system is going to work going forwards.Read more…