PlayStation Store Has A Ton Of Games On Sale Right Now

PlayStation’s holiday sale is feeding gamers well this year. A ton of titles have prices marked down, including games scooping up awards or that just came out. And since just about all of these are available on both the PlayStation 4 and 5, you won’t h…

GTA Online’s New Update Finally Confirms What Happened To Michael After GTA V

Grand Theft Auto Online’s relationship with GTA V’s timeline and narrative has been weird for years, thanks in large part to continued free expansions that sometimes contradict past updates or events. However, that hasn’t stopped Rockstar from trying t…

GTA Online’s Dr. Dre Update Is Good, But The Old Jank Still Irritates

Grand Theft Auto Online’s latest update, The Contract, is a great reminder of just how much time has passed since GTA V’s 2013 release. Now, over eight years later, Franklin is an older and richer man running a Los Santos company dedicated to helping t…

Lamar Is Still Roasting Franklin In New GTA Online Missions

The scene early on in Grand Theft Auto V, where Lamar stands outside Franklin’s aunt’s house and has a moment, has entered meme folklore. To the point where the actors responsible recently re-filmed the sequence as homage.Read more…

Modders Hack Elden Ring Demo, Sprinkle In Some GTA San Andreas

Elden Ring isn’t coming out until February 25 of next year, but that hasn’t stopped modders from adding some truly hilarious content to the game. Thanks in part to the newfound ease of jailbreaking the PS4, one modder was able to add Grand Theft Auto S…

Original Splinter Cell Being Remade By Far Cry 6 Devs

After refusing to do anything meaningful with the Splinter Cell license in the years since 2013’s Blacklist: Aftermath, Ubisoft seems to haTve heard the fans’ plaintive cries because it’s decided to bring sneaky spy Sam Fisher back in a new remake of t…

Six Years (And One Bethesda Problem) Later, Shadow Of The Colossus Tribute Is Finally Out

It was all the way back in 2015 that I first wrote about a game called Prey For The Gods, an indie homage to Shadow of the Colossus. Six years later, with a name change along the way, the game is now out.Read more…

The Sequel To BotW Started Trending Because It Still Doesn’t Have A Name

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2–Sorry, sorry. The Sequel to The Legend of–Actually, you know what? Screw it. We all know this is a sequel, and the awkward dance around its name is just cloying at this point. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the…