On Tuesday, Nate Purkeypile (@NPurkeypile) shared a fun story about the development process of the now-famous Skyrim Intro. Inspired by this, yesterday, Joel Burgess (@JoelBurgess) shared another Skyrim development story, about foxes leading players to…
Amazon Killed the Name Alexa
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Atlantic: Alexa used to be a name primarily given to human babies. Now it’s mainly for robots. Seven years ago, Amazon released Alexa, its voice assistant, and as the number of devices answering to that name…
海・微生物・緑・土・星・空・虹をめぐる “センス・オブ・ワンダー” ゲスト:NOMA(モデル/アーティスト)[音声配信]
気候変動やパンデミックなど地球規模の事象が日常となった現在、果たして人間は自然をいかに体感し、地球を丸ごと感じる想像力を身につけられるのだろうか? そんな問いに、サイエンスと感性を織り交ぜて美しくしなやかに答えてみせるのが、NOMAが企画/案内人を務める新著『WE EARTH』だ。 彼女が大切にする7つのエレメンツを通して地球とのつながりを紐解く “センス・オブ・ワンダー”の技法を訊いた。
自然言語による“対話”に基づいて人工知能(AI)がプログラムコードを自動生成するシステム「OpenAI Codex」を、このほどOpenAIが公表した。コーディングの多くを機械任せにして生産性を高め、人間のプログラマーはシステムの設計や構造を描くような高度な業務に移行するというが、本当にそれだけで済む話なのだろうか──。『WIRED』US版エディター・アット・ラージ(編集主幹)のスティーヴン・レヴィによる考察。
AlphaFold2, RoseTTAFold, and the future of structural biology
Back in 2020, we discussed DeepMind’s impressive advances in protein structure prediction, as evinced by their showing at CASP14. They’ve finally made good on their promise to publish their work on AlphaFold2! In the interim, though, David Baker’s gr…
How Data Scientists Pinpointed the Creepiest Word in Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’
Medium’s technology blog OneZero provides a great example of the new field of “digital humanities”:
Actors and critics have long remarked that when you read Macbeth out loud, it feels like your voice and mouth and brain are doing something ever so sli…
Samsung has its own AI-designed chip. Soon, others will too
Semiconductor software-design maker Synopsys is adding AI to its arsenal.
Nvidia Reveals Its CEO Was Computer Generated in Keynote Speech
Graphics processor company Nvidia showcased its prowess at computer animation by sneaking a virtual replica of its CEO into a keynote speech. From a report: On Wednesday, Nvidia revealed in a blog post that its CEO Jensen Huang did not do the keynote p…