Baidu’s robotaxi service aims to be in 100 cities by 2030

Baidu keeps ramping up its autonomous driving ambitions. The Chinese tech company made its name in search engines and still relies greatly on search ads for revenues. But it’s hoping that its heavy bet on autonomous driving will pay off down the road. Apollo Go, Baidu’s robotaxi service, aims to be in 65 cities by […]

Universal Audioがアナログ回路のコンプ、マイクプリ搭載のオーディオインターフェイス、VOLTシリーズを発表。価格は17,050円~

プロのミュージシャンやクリエイター、エンジニアからの絶大な人気と信頼を誇る米Universal Audioが、10月5日、これまでにない新たなUSB Type-C接続のオーディオインターフェイス、VOLTシリーズを発表し…
The post Universal Audioがアナログ回路のコンプ、マイクプリ搭載のオーディオインターフェイス、VOLTシリーズを発表。価格は17,050円~ first appeared on 藤本健の “DTMステーション”….

Apollo completes its $5B acquisition of Verizon Media, now known as Yahoo

Private equity firm Apollo Global Management this morning announced that it has completed its acquisition of Yahoo (formerly known as Verizon Media Group, itself formerly known as Oath) from Verizon. The deal is worth $5 billion, with $4.25 billion in cash, plus preferred interests of $750 million. Verizon will be retaining 10% of the newly […]