Follow along as astronomers start unwrapping a telescope-sized gift at 7am US Eastern.
Astronomers on tenterhooks as $10bn James Webb telescope set for lift off
Nasa’s flagship mission counts down to launch at 1220 GMT on Christmas Day from Kourou, French GuianaFinal checks and fuelling are under way for the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, a flagship mission for Nasa that aims to observe worlds beyon…
彩恵りり🧚♀️サイエンスライター✨おしごと募集中 on Twitter: “はやぶさ2が持ち帰った小惑星「リュウグウ」のサンプルについて、科学的分析に関する最初の論文が2本発表されたよ!これまでどうしても汚染が避けられず、由来のはっきりしない隕石でしか分からなかった事が、汚染が全くないリュウグウのサンプル…”
太陽によく似た恒星の手前を横切る系外惑星の想像図。ジェームズ・ウェッブ宇宙望遠鏡は、系外惑星の構造や大気の組成をくわしく調べ、生命が居住できる惑星の要素を探る。(ILLUSTRATION BY DANA BERRY, NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC) 12月24日、南米大陸の北東、フランス領ギアナにある欧州宇宙機関(ESA)の打ち上げ施設から…
はやぶさ2試料 来春にも歴史塗り替える発表
Asteroid-sample return shows water on its rocks’ surface
A cubic meter of asteroid dust may have as much as 20 liters of water.
Nasa to slam spacecraft into asteroid in mission to avoid future Armaggedon
Test drive of planetary defence system aims to provide data on how to deflect asteroids away from EarthThat’s one large rock, one momentous shift in our relationship with space. On Wednesday, Nasa will launch a mission to deliberately slam a spacecraft…
it has, ironically, become necessary for me to fight my own government
The Adler Planetarium’s Here, Queer, and Exploring Beyond the Atmosphere is a short online exhibit about the life and legacy of Dr. Frank Kameny.
cosmic inflation
We now know the big bang theory is (probably) not how the universe began – “The Big Bang still happened a very long time ago, but it wasn’t the beginning we once supposed it to be.” Extrapolating back to as far as your evidence can take you is a tremen…
New astronomy roadmap calls for huge, broad-spectrum space telescope
The decadal survey is a highly influential 10-year plan for what should come next.