My Secret Brexit Diary by Michel Barnier review – a British roasting

The EU’s chief negotiator found his UK counterparts bizarrely unfocused during the long haul to fix a Brexit deal – and believes they still don’t know what they’ve doneRarely do we see thinking of the other side of a negotiation so quickly, while the t…

A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century review – sciencey self-help

Evolutionary biologists Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein show how human nature is at odds with modern society, in a study soaked in pseudoscienceImagine discovering a fence in the middle of a desert. Not immediately seeing its purpose, you might think…

The Green Knight review – Dev Patel rides high on sublimely beautiful quest

Director David Lowery conjures up visual wonders and metaphysical mysteries from the anonymously authored 14th-century chivalric poemChrist’s sacrifice and the erotic death-wish of earthly glory: these are the components of this freaky folk horror from…