With just 17% of the US boosted, a massive omicron wave could peak in January.
Pfizer’s anti-COVID drug still looks effective after further analysis
No deaths, ~80 percent drop in hospitalization compared to the placebo group.
抗体をカスタムメイドする時代がすぐそこまで来ている──「THE WORLD IN 2022」 CUSTOMIZED ANTIBODIES
Amid violent threats, lawmaker ditches bill to make unvaxxed pay hospital bills
“We just can’t have a reasonable conversation anymore,” Illinois Rep. Carroll said.
Stripped of power, Missouri health depts abandon COVID health measures
Health officials struggle to understand a court ruling the state AG refuses to appeal.
米Apple Storeでコロナ集団感染、ブラックフライデーの混雑が原因か
米テキサス州のApple Storeで、従業員に新型コロナウイルスの集団感染が発生、店舗は一時休業に追い込まれています。 151名の従業員のうち22名が感染 米テキサス州サウスレイクのApple Southlake Town Squareで、11月26日のブラックフライデー以降、151名いる従業員のうち22名が新型コロナウイルスに感染したことが分か…
FDA authorizes boosters for ages 16 and 17 ahead of holidays, omicron [Updated]
With delta raging, omicron looming, and holidays nearing, officials push for more shots.
Hospital beds full, National Guard deployed amid crushing delta wave
Pennsylvania hospitals are running at 110%, while Maine and New York call National Guard.
Omicron weakens vaccine protection, but boosters revive defenses, early data finds
Omicron is “a tractable problem with the tools we have.”
COVID outbreak on cruise ship in New Orleans may be due to omicron
Some disembarked passengers said they were never told about the outbreak.