Deepでポン用実験管理ツール(サービス)の比較2021 – Qiita

皆様メリークリスマス!ふぁむたろうです。 記事遅れてしまいすみませんでした 自分はここ1年くらいのコンペでは脳死で wandb(Weights & Bias) を使って実験管理をしていたのですが、 1年の節目ということで他のツール(サービス)も見てみようと思い記事にしました。 (余談ですが wandb の読み方は「Weights & Bias…



データ中心主義に懸念? 米国で提唱された「AIの基盤」が波紋を呼んでいる


UK dials up the spin on data reform, claiming ‘simplified’ rules will drive ‘responsible’ data sharing

The U.K. government has announced a consultation on plans to shake up the national data protection regime, as it looks at how to diverge from European Union rules following Brexit. It’s also a year since the U.K. published a national data strategy in which said it wanted pandemic levels of data sharing to become Britain’s […]

A mathematician walks into a bar (of disinformation)

Disinformation, misinformation, infotainment, algowars — if the debates over the future of media the past few decades have meant anything, they’ve at least left a pungent imprint on the English language. There’s been a lot of invective and fear over what social media is doing to us, from our individual psychologies and neurologies to wider […]