




海底面積の0.2%未満を領するサンゴは、海洋生物全体の約25%の生存を支える縁の下の力持ちだ。そんな海の名バイプレイヤーがいま、温暖化や汚染により死の危機に瀕している。こうした状況を覆すべく、海底に人工の「木」を植えてサンゴを養殖するという、地球を地球たらしめる海の再生プロジェクトに迫った。(雑誌『 WIRED』日本版VOL.42より転載)

Bedrock modernizes seafloor mapping with autonomous sub and cloud-based data

The push for renewable energy has brought offshore wind power to the forefront of many an energy company’s agenda, and that means taking a very close look at the ocean floor where the installations are to go. Fortunately Bedrock is here to drag that mapping process into the 21st century with its autonomous underwater vehicle […]

Voice Above Water

“Voice Above Water is the story of a 90-year-old Balinese fisherman who can no longer fish because of the amount of plastic pollution in the ocean, instead he collects trash in hopes of being able to fish again. The story is a glimpse into how one huma…