ななななんと!AWS認定の模擬試験が無料になりました!! | DevelopersIO

これまで数千円かかっていたAWS認定の模擬試験が無料になりました。新しいサイトでの提供となりますので、登録の流れをまとめてご紹介します! AWS認定トレーニング講師の平野@おんせん県おおいたです。 みんな、温泉入ってますかー? (挨拶 さて、AWS認定にチャレンジする方へ朗報です! これまで数千円かかっていたA…

Microsoft acquires TakeLessons, an online and in-person tutoring platform, to ramp up its edtech play

Microsoft said in January this year that Teams, its online collaboration platform, was being used by over 100 million students — boosted in no small part by the Covid-19 pandemic and many schools going partly or fully remote. Now, it’s made another acquisition to continue expanding its position in the education market. The company has […]

Online learning platform CLASS101 bags $26M Series B to support growth

Everything is switching from offline to online mode, spurred by the pandemic, and that also has turned around things for the creative economy. Creative professionals continue to look for ways to monetize their talents and knowledge through online education platforms like CLASS101 that bring stable incomes and improve opportunities. CLASS101, a Seoul-based online education platform, […]