Are you curious about marketing with zero-party data? Join a Twitter Space with with Ben Parr, president and co-founder of Octane AI, tomorrow at 3 p.m. PST/6 p.m. EST.
Lambda School shakes off its brand with new name
Lambda School, a buzzy coding bootcamp that has landed over $122 million in known venture capital to date, is rebranding to Bloom Institute of Technology, according to a blog post from CEO Austen Allred. The company is also updating its tuition payment options to introduce an outcomes-based loan. The financing instrument allows students to take […]
kmiura @kmiura ドイツ在住24年. (自然科学博士) 目下、日本居住のテスト中。メンバー4人のステップファミリーになりました。なにかとお休み中。
Accrediting as a service and the future of alternative degrees
When it comes to fundraising or types of capital, optionality has been the term du jour in the current tech environment.
CMU’s new Robotics Institute director on the future of robot research
After two years serving in an interim capacity, Professor Srinivasa Narasimhan will be stepping aside as Carnegie Mellon welcomes the sixth director of its Robotics Institute. A graduate of CMU’s School of Computer Science in 2005, Matthew Johnson-Roberson arrives at the school after stints as an associate professor of engineering at University of Michigan’s Department […]
大学院生の息子に聞いて良いことダメなこと:質問例文集 – 逆にこの時確かにそうなる。
The big idea: Should we leave the classroom behind?
The pandemic has driven a great leap forward in digital learning. Is there any point in looking back?My 21-year-old goddaughter, a second-year undergraduate, mentioned in passing that she watches video lectures offline at twice the normal speed. Struck…
“the conspiracy theory of systemic racism”
The day after Election Day, the African American Policy Forum hosted Educators Ungagged: Teaching Truth in the Era of Racial Backlash. The panel featured educators who’ve been forced out of schools (PDF on the educators), including principal Dr. James…
ひょんなことで、微分をつかってちょっとしたことをした。 たったそれだけなのに、職場で「増田さんすげぇ!!」って超人扱いされた。 仕事で使わないから忘れて当然って言われるけど、自転車の乗り方みたいなもんで忘れようにも忘れられないと思うんだが。 微分忘れろっていわれても微分を知る前の自分には戻れないだろ…
Brown University Physics Student Manfred Steiner Earns Ph.D. at Age 89
Brown University: At 89-years-old Manfred Steiner is finally what he always wanted to be: a physicist. On September 15, 2021, Steiner successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation, “Corrections to the Geometrical Interpretation of Bosonization” in Brown…