TikTok brings its TV app to more devices across the US and Canada

Just ahead of the U.S. Thanksgiving holidays, TikTok is expanding its footprint in the living room. The company earlier this month launched its TV app in North America in partnership with Amazon Fire TV. Today, TikTok is rolling out its TV app to more TV platforms across North America, including Google TV and other Android […]

Spotify’s new Podcast Subscriptions expand to global markets

Just a few months after launching support for podcast subscriptions to U.S. creators, Spotify today is making the service available to creators in global markets. The company says the service, which allows creators to mark episodes as “subscriber-only” content, will now become available in 33 new markets worldwide. When podcast subscriptions publicly launched in the […]

Lifen raises $58 million to digitize the healthcare industry

French startup Lifen has raised a $58 million (€50 million) funding round. The startup has been working on digital infrastructure for the healthcare industry, starting with medical reports. Indeed, 600 healthcare facilities are using the product to send and receive medical documents. And each customer is using Lifen intensively as it represents 2 million medical […]

「町の本屋さん」をアマゾンから守れ! フランスが配送“実質無料”禁止へ新法 | 書店は文化的産物だから | クーリエ・ジャポン

オンラインの大手書店の台頭などのため、日本でも「町の本屋さん」がどんどん減っているというニュースが報じられているが、そんな状況は諸外国でも同じようだ。 しかし、フランスでは個人が運営する独立系の書店を「文化的産物」と位置づけ、さらなる保護策を打ち出した、とこれまでの歴史を振り返りながら、米紙「ワシ…

憲法の話(長いです) – 内田樹の研究室

もうすぐ出るSB新書の『戦後民主主義に僕から一票』には憲法について過去にブログに載せた文章がいくつか再録されている。これもその一つ。ただし、新書化に際して大幅に加筆したので、オリジナルの2倍くらいの量になっている。今日は11月3日。日本国憲法公布から75年経った。改めて憲法について考えたい。 私が憲…

Coronavirus live news: global Covid death toll hits 5m; US, Brazil, India, Mexico and UK account for over half of deaths

Johns Hopkins University tally hits milestone less than two years into pandemic; 5 million figure is still almost certainly an undercountAustralians opens borders without quarantine for first time in 583 daysNHS exec says staff vaccine mandate is ‘risk…