The long haul of Microsoft’s China localization

In 2019, when LinkedIn began asking for Chinese users’ phone numbers, it was clear that the professional social network would have to follow a different set of rules in the country. But it realized simply setting up the real-name verification regime required by Chinese authorities wasn’t enough; it faced a mounting task of balancing censorship […]

政府、民間の垣根を越え、デジタルの団結が変革を促す:オードリー・タン──「THE WORLD IN 2022」 GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD



あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、 NHK、FNNプライムによると国土交通省が国の基幹統計の1つで、建設工事の受注動向などを毎月調査する「建設工事受注動態調査」において不適切なデータ処理を行ったことでデータを二重計上する誤りがあったことが判明した。 この統計はサンプルで選ばれた建設事業者に調査票を配り毎月の受注額を集める統計調査で、調査票が期日までに提出されなかった場合は推計値を計上し、遅れて提出された場合は遡って提出された値に修正すべきところを直近の月にまとめて受注したとみなして処理する…

FTC may consider rule curbing algorithmic discrimination and ‘commercial surveillance’

The Federal Trade Commission appears to be preparing to consider a rule aimed at digital platforms that either invasively track their users or allow others to do so. The “Trade Regulation Rule on Commercial Surveillance” is at a very early stage but could be the first major anti-Big-Tech action by new FTC Chair Lina Khan. […]

US investment in smart roadways will pave the path to an economic boom

The adage of “the way we’ve always done it” needs to fall by the wayside. Putting public investment into infrastructure is how we got paved roads 100 years ago and interstates 60 years ago.