As threatened back in September, the lovable childhood heroes known as the Neopets have turned to the dark side, transformed randomly into a series of non-fungible tokens and sold to folks interested in owning their own small slice of the death of our …
Deleting My Ex’s Animal Crossing Save Data
It’d been a year and five months since I last booted up Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I know this because one shocked villager recounted the days when I approached them with my disheveled hair. My home away from home was exactly the way I’d left it. A…
The PlayStation 3 Is Now Fifteen Years Old
Can you believe it? The PlayStation 3 launched fifteen years ago today. It was an expensive console and a messy launch, with hype overload and some truly bad press conferences. But Sony didn’t give up on the PS3, and neither did gamers. Read more…
Something Awful Founder Richard ‘Lowtax’ Kyanka Dies At 45
Update 11/11/2021 16:32 p.m. ET: A GoFundMe is collecting money to put toward the wellbeing of the three daughters Kyanka left behind. Here is the corresponding thread on Something Awful. Original story continues below.Read more…
Animal Crossing: How To Grow Wheat And Other Crops For Food Recipes
Being able to cook and grow new crops are some of the biggest changes in the new update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons. You can make all kinds of dishes and even regular DIY recipes. There’s just one problem. Most of these new delicious-looking reci…
Overwatch Player Kim “Alarm” Kyeong-Bo Dies At 20
The official Twitter account of Overwatch esports team Philadelphia Fusion announced that Kim “Alarm” Kyeong-Bo has died. He was 20 years old. Read more…
BioWare’s Classic Star Wars Trailers Are Being Re-Released In 4K
Star Wars: The Old Republic is 10 this year, and as part of the birthday celebrations BioWare have decided to do something I can’t remember ever seeing before; they’re re-releasing the game’s old trailers in an elegant resolution for a less civilized a…
Animal Crossing’s New Night Owl Ordinance Isn’t Good Enough
Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ big-ass update dropped earlier than expected and while it introduces tons of new stuff, there’s one modest aspect players aren’t totally pleased with: island ordinances, and to be specific, that new Night Owl one.Read mor…
Special Animal Crossing Characters Can Make Surprise Appearances At Brewster’s
At long last, the Roost has arrived in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Since the game’s version 2.0 update, players have been frantically searching for the aloof pigeon Brewster, so they can set up his café on their island, and start inviting island chu…
François Leroy, aka Friendly Robot, is a concept artist, designer and creative director.Read more…