A space exploration update for November 2021. In Earth orbit news, one crew returned from the International Space Station, while a new crew rode a SpaceX flight to board the ISS. The ISS altered its orbit by a mile to avoid incoming debris from an old…
SpaceX’s Dragon Spacecraft Successfully Docks At ISS With Four Astronauts Onboard
SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station on Thursday evening, less than 24 hours after it launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Fox Business reports: NASA astronauts Raja Chari, Tom Marshburn, and Ka…
Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Wants To Build a Tourism Space Station Nearly As Big As the ISS
Blue Origin, the rocket and space tourism company founded by Jeff Bezos, is proposing a massive new commercial space station called “Orbital Reef” that could be used to host science experiments, vacation getaways, and potentially even in-space manufact…
Meet Starlab: Private Space Station Planned To Fly In 2027
Nanoracks, Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin announced today (Oct. 21) that they plan to get a free-flying private space station up and running in low Earth orbit (LEO) by 2027. Space.com reports: The outpost, called Starlab, is envisioned to be a tour…
ソユーズ MS-18、地球帰還前のテストで国際宇宙ステーションを傾ける
ロシアの映画監督と俳優を含む 3 人のクルーを乗せたソユーズ MS-18 は日本時間 17 日 13 時 35 分に国際宇宙ステーション (ISS) から地球へ帰還し、帰還用カプセルがカザフスタンに無事着陸したが、帰還に先立つエンジンテストでは ISS を傾けるトラブルが発生していたそうだ (ロスコスモスのニュース記事、 The Verge の記事、 The New York Times の記事、 SlashGear の記事)。
トラブルが発生したのは日本時間 15 日 18 時 13 分頃。帰還…
国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)で映画の撮影をするため、女優と映画監督が「Soyuz MS-19」に乗り込みロシアから打ち上げられたそうだ。BBCによると同じように米国もISSでの映画撮影を計画しており、それに対抗かつ先手を打つ形でロシア側が実行したという流れらしい。打ち上げられたのは俳優ユリア・ペレシルド氏とクリム・シペンコ監督で、5日にバイコヌール宇宙基地から発射、午後9時22分に無事にISSへ到着したそうだ。12日間滞在し、『挑戦(The Challenge)』という題名の映画を撮影する予定との…
Astronaut Spots Rare and Ethereal ‘Transient Luminous Event’ From ISS
“Transient luminous event” sounds like a euphemism for a ghost, but it’s actually a beautiful phenomenon that can sometimes be seen from the International Space Station. European Space Agency astronaut and current ISS resident Thomas Pesquet shared a v…
Russian Actress and Director To Start Making First Movie on Space Station
The first dog in space. The first man and woman. Now Russia has clinched another spaceflight first before the United States: Beating Hollywood to orbit. From a report: A Russian actress, Yulia Sherepild, a director, Klim Shipenko, and their veteran Rus…
NASA Reviews Private Space Station Proposals, Expects To Save Over $1 Billion Annually After ISS Retires
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration plans to retire the International Space Station by the end of this decade, so the U.S. space agency is turning to private companies to build new space stations in orbit — and expects to save more than …