Takumi Suedaさんのツイートによると、日本人のように人名に「~さん」といったような尊敬の意味を表す言葉を付けるのは、日本語以外の言語を使用する海外の人から見ると非常に面白いものであるらしい。このため、海外の方に「-san」付きでメールを送るとジャパニーズ文化的な意味で相手に喜ばれるそうだ。このTakumi Suedaさんのツイートはバズっており、同様に海外の人宛に「-san」付けメールを送る人は結構多いとのこと(Takumi Suedaさんのツイート、Togetter)。
防衛省と米海兵隊、護衛艦「いずも」 へのF-35B発着艦検証作業を実施
‘People arrived for work and got vaporised’: how Kikuji Kawada captured the trauma of Hiroshima
The holy grail of Japanese photobooks, Kawada’s Chizu was five years in the making and changes hands for £25,000 a copy. Now a new edition revisits his personal archeology of a nation’s painKikuji Kawada was 25 when he visited Hiroshima for the first t…
Coronavirus treatments: the potential ‘game-changers’ in development
After positive clinical trials for antiviral drug Molnupiravir, it joins other medicines that have shown promiseCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageThe first clinical trial results showing a positive effect for a pill that can b…
Slow moving turtle delays five planes at Japan airport
Airport workers occasionally remove stray cats and racoon dogs from the runway but turtle sightings are rareTurtles on a Runway probably will never rival Snakes on a Plane for dramatic effect, but one reptile has made headlines after an innocent amble …
Japan urged to abolish third-party consent from abortion law
Restrictions amount to ‘sexual assault’ on women by Japanese state, say rights campaignersWomen’s health campaigners have urged Japan’s government to amend a law that forces married women to seek consent from their husbands before they can have an abo…
‘Free and open’: Quad leaders call for ‘stable’ Indo-Pacific in veiled China dig
Joe Biden meets leaders of Australia, India and Japan in latest effort to cement US leadership in Asia US president Joe Biden and the leaders of Australia, India and Japan highlighted their Quad group’s role in safeguarding a stable, democratic Indo-Pa…
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、 1999年から22年以上の間一度もデザインを変えていなかったクロネコヤマトの送り状番号のサイトをさっき見たらデザインが変わっていた(荷物お問い合わせシステム)。 使い慣れたページのデザインを変えて改悪する使う側のことを考えてないサイトが多い中、元のデザインをほとんど維持したまま、新しくしているのでこの仕事をしたウェブデザイナーやコーダーを個人的には褒め称えたい。
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Race to become Japan’s next PM too close to call days before vote
Contest to lead ruling party and country appears to be two-horse race between Taro Kono and Fumio KishidaThe race to become leader of Japan’s ruling party and the next prime minister is too close to call ahead of next week’s party election. It is a rar…